
Lion Server VPN and Windows 7

Configuring Windows 7 with your new Lion server can be a bit of a challenge for both novice and advanced users alike.  I’d like to take a few minutes to explain the procedure for connecting your Windows 7 machine with a Lion server via VPN. Follow closely, as there are many intricate steps during the configuration.

Initial Configuration

First, I recommend following the Macminicolo guide to get your Lion VPN up and running.

Once the VPN service is up and running, I strongly recommend you verify VPN connectivity with a Macintosh client computer.  This is to ensure that everything is configured correctly within Lion, as Windows 7 tends to give the mistaken impression that there are configuration issues within your server’s VPN during the initial setup period. This is due to the way that Windows handles IPSec NAT traversal by default.  If this is not possible, make sure to carefully follow these instructions, and you should be okay.

Configure Windows 7

Final Configuration (if VPN does not connect after the above steps)

There you go, you’re done!

Of course, if you have any trouble with this, please do not hesitate to contact your experts at MacWorks.

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