Google Now for iPhone, Dropbox 2.0, Pixelmator 2.2, Adobe, iPhone ads — MacWorks Weekly Episode 20

Josh and Chris from MacWorks talk about the latest news in the realm of Apple and Technology. This week they discuss Google Now competing with Siri on the iPhone, Dropbox 2.0 for the Mac, Pixelmator 2.2 and it's text shaping capabilities, Adobe dropping all boxed products from sale, and the crummy iPhone ads that make you cringe.

2017-08-28T23:40:12-04:00March 18th, 2013|Lab548 Weekly|

Adobe abandons Flash for mobile devices

I remember watching Steve Jobs sitting on a couch during the iPad's first keynote: people were legitimately shocked to see that it couldn't display a Flash ad as he browsed the internet during the demo.  Some people wrote it off as an unfinished product, ‘the final version will surely ship with Flash.’  When it didn't, the technology world threw a fit and called Apple closed-minded.  Pundits also believed Apple tried to cover up the lack [...]

2017-08-28T22:21:03-04:00November 10th, 2011|iPhone|