Connect to a remote Mac server with a Windows XP PC via VPN

If you're coming to this article via Google or some other external source, you should know that we covered the use of a VPN connection in detail on our Windows 7 setup instructions.  This article is a guide to help Windows XP users who need to connect to a remote Mac server for file sharing.  We have to configure this through a VPN connection.  We actually recommend using the built-in VPN connection on the Mac server. [...]

2017-08-28T22:25:15-04:00June 24th, 2011|Mac|

Connect to a Mac server share point with Windows 7 via VPN

Over the years, we’ve set up many clients with a Mac server for VPN, file sharing, Web Hosting, etc.  During that time, the number of “bilingual” companies (I use that term for offices that speak both Mac and PC) increased dramatically.  Most, if not all, of our new server installations ask about PC connectivity for file sharing.  It only takes a few minutes to configure the Mac server for VPN, but the client-side configuration can [...]

2017-08-28T22:26:09-04:00June 23rd, 2011|Mac|