Daylite 4 Tutorials Available

Marketcircle has a growing series of tutorial videos now on their site to help get up to speed with Daylite 4. They also have a Vimeo channel you can follow to get alerts when new videos are added. Customize Daylite to Fit Your Business Working with Your Data This video is all about doing WORK. Logging calls, taking notes, scheduling appointments, searching, and generally managing your contacts. Customization Options in Preferences The key to making [...]

2017-08-28T23:27:03-04:00June 18th, 2012|Mac|

Daylite 4

Our partner Marketcircle released their newest version of the Daylite Productivity Suite dubbed Daylite 4. Many of the frequently requested features are now available in the newly updated suite. Changes to the interface, licensing, and integration have made using Daylite in a solo to multi-user environment even easier. This is due to the diligent efforts of the Marketcircle engineering team to completely redesign and rebuild the code. Using what they learned from previous Daylite versions and customer feedback this makes Daylite 4 a welcome edition.

2017-08-28T23:27:44-04:00May 30th, 2012|Mac|